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What does website maintenance and management mainly do

February 03, 2023

website detection

1. Can it be opened.

A website may fail to open due to the domain name, server, or network speed, or the number of visits, and this phenomenon is very common in the process of website operation, so the first detection of enterprise website operation and maintenance personnel The job is whether the website can be opened normally.

2. Turn on Speed.

If a website cannot be opened within 5 seconds, no customers will be willing to wait any longer. If a website cannot be opened within 10 seconds, basically 50% of the customers will be lost. Check the opening speed of a website frequently. If you find that the speed is too slow, you need to check whether there is a problem with the website.

3. Whether the website as a whole is reasonable.

After the website is launched, it is necessary to frequently update information such as articles, products, and cases. Sometimes inadvertently long titles and non-standard pictures may cause changes in the style of the website. Therefore, the third website inspection task is whether the overall style of the website has changed.

content maintenance

The content of the website needs to be updated frequently, such as products, documents, etc. If the content is not updated, customers will see old information every time they go online, which is very bad for customer experience, and may even cause existing customers to lose and retain Make a bad impression.

Therefore, the following describes the parts of the website that often need daily updates.

1. Product updates.

The products on the website should be updated frequently and replaced with the latest products, so that customers can see the latest products of the company when they visit the website, so as to recommend the latest products to customers.

2. Article publication.

News articles also need to be updated frequently. The purpose is to enable customers who visit the website to view the latest relevant information, which is very helpful to deepen the order transaction between them and the company.

3. Customer testimony (case).

Customer testimony or customer case is a module for a company to show its strength on the website. Frequently updating the latest customers and their cases and customer testimonials is also very helpful for customers who visit later to close orders.

4. Event planning.

Different festivals, companies generally have different activities (promotional activities, preferential activities, gift activities, etc.), and the content of these activities needs to be displayed simultaneously on the website, which increases the content of the website and allows online customers to participate Come in.

data backup

1. Website data backup

The website may be hacked by hackers, or in Trojan horses, linked to black links, etc., so the website data must be backed up frequently after the website is online, so that the website data can be carried out faster and in a timely manner when the situation described above occurs. recovery.

Generally, the data backup of the website can be done once a month, but if conditions permit, it is best to back up once a week or even every day.

2. Organize and restore website data.

Website data recovery is to restore the website when there is a problem with the website, such as a problem with the code, the website is hung with a horse, the website is poisoned, or the website is hacked, so as to ensure the normal visit of the website.


Communication and interaction refers to online communication and message tools. Generally, there are Yelp, Google Business, or the message function that comes with some websites.

Online communication tools are very good tools for carrying out online marketing and closing online orders. Therefore, when a website has relevant functions, it needs to check whether the online communication tools can be used normally.

If the online communication tools can be used normally, it is also necessary to ensure that relevant personnel are managed every day, otherwise potential customers make real-time inquiries on Yelp or Google, but no one responds, which may cause customer loss.

If it is the message function that comes with the website, you need to check the messages on the website frequently, delete some unnecessary messages, and process some customer messages.

safety inspection

The security of the website generally refers to detecting whether the website is poisoned, is linked to a horse, or is linked to a black link.

Whether it is poisoning, hanging horses or black links, it is very bad for the website and will cause the loss of customers.


Common marketing promotion methods generally include the following items:

1. Release of external links

2. Google's update

3. Bing's answer

4. Check the friendship link (check whether there is a friendship link but no reverse link)

5. News promotion

data analysis

The data of the website is analyzed according to the statistical data recorded by statistical tools, mainly including traffic data analysis, access path analysis, and data anomaly analysis.

phase plan

In different periods and times, due to the different problems encountered by the website and some festivals, some short-term stage plans are made to plan an operation strategy for the next stage, such as May Day activities.

The operation plan in the formulation stage is generally once a month, and the plan can also be appropriately relaxed and shortened. The phase operation plan can be adjusted according to the off-season and peak season of the enterprise, festival activities, and Google ranking. The detailed phase planning methods and precautions will be discussed in detail later.

After the website is online, it is the beginning of a job, the beginning of operation and maintenance. The website is equivalent to the portal of the enterprise on the Internet. It is the corporate image and strength that customers see on the Internet. To establish a kind of confidence for customers, a kind of confidence in choosing enterprises. At the same time, the website can also become the source of online orders, but if a website is not well done, customers will not choose the company after visiting the website.

Therefore, enterprises should pay attention to the operation and maintenance of the enterprise website, and strive to do a good job in the operation and maintenance of the website, so as to better carry out network promotion and harvest more network customers.

About B-ide

Let's Work Together!

B-ide Studio is an excellent provider of online business solutions. We will provide you with a complete set of customized solutions from industry station building to network operation and online promotion. Our services include pre-design positioning of the website Analysis and planning, technical architecture, website interface design, creative expression, site architecture construction, follow-up visit monitoring, maintenance, website feedback, suggestions & third-party platform operation and promotion, etc. The service area covers the entire North American market and the Chinese market, mainly includes: Hong Kong, Taiwan, Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Jose, Seattle, New York, Boston, Washington, Chicago, Houston, Dallas, Miami and Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal etc.

Since the establishment of the company it has provided high-quality website building, Website Design, Network Promotion, SEO services for global customers, and B-ide will continue to walk with you.

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