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Website maintenance makes your website go further

February 03, 2023

What kind of website can go further?

    A good corporate website is not just a perfect one-time production. As the development of the company is constantly changing, the content of the website needs to be adjusted accordingly, giving people a feeling of constant newness, and your company's website will be more attractive Visitors, give visitors a good impression. This requires us to maintain and update the site for a long time without interruption. Especially when the company has launched new products, or has new service items, etc., when there are major actions or changes, the existing status of the company should be reflected on your website in a timely manner, so as to let customers You and your partners can keep abreast of your detailed situation in a timely manner, and you can also get corresponding feedback information in a timely manner so that you can make a reasonable response.

    Internet marketing, a good website is the key!

    Although many companies are already doing online marketing or bidding rankings, we have found that many of them have already done bidding rankings, but some websites cannot be opened. They are doing online marketing, but they have not put online marketing The details are well done, there are many dead links, and pictures cannot be displayed on the website. These are the most basic content of website maintenance. If the company's customers see these, they will definitely have ideas. If this continues for a long time, it will not only affect the company's online brand, but may also directly affect the company's revenue.

    How do you "choose" how you maintain your website?

    Once the enterprise website is built, website maintenance has become in front of the enterprise manager. Since the maintenance of the website is a highly professional work, it needs professionals to complete it. If the enterprise is equipped with dedicated website maintenance personnel, it means an increase in the cost of one person. If other people work part-time, the professional level of website maintenance will drop.

    A good enterprise website requires at least 1-2 technicians for the internal maintenance work of the enterprise, and your annual salary expenditure for this item will reach 20,000-40,000 yuan; and your management will be increased during the maintenance process stress and administrative costs. Now our website maintenance project can help you solve these problems. As long as you provide us with your intention and information, we can organize, adjust, produce and present the information on the Internet immediately.

    4. What can we do for you?

    Website maintenance service: We provide professional website maintenance services for users who have established corporate websites, including website content updates (such as product information updates, corporate news updates, recruitment inspiration updates, etc.), website style updates (such as website revisions) ), design and production of important pages of the website (such as page design and production of important events, emergencies and company anniversary activities), website system maintenance services (such as: email account maintenance services, domain name maintenance and renewal services, website space maintenance, and IDC contact, DNS settings, domain name resolution services, etc.)

    Website maintenance content:

    1. Website basic maintenance

    1. Image processing: Help users scan images and typesetting images and text on web pages;

    2. Static page maintenance: The size of ordinary A4 paper is one page, including the arrangement of 3 pictures and text;

    3. Update Js Banner: Use Javascript to switch several pictures of the same size to achieve the transformation effect;

    4. Flash Banner: Use Flash to express the effect of pictures or text;

    5. Make a floating window: Create a dynamic floating picture on the website to attract the viewer's attention;

    6. Make a pop-up window: When opening the website, an important message or webpage picture pops up;

    7. News maintenance: Add, modify and delete company news;

    8. Product maintenance: Add, modify and delete the company's products;

    9. Supply and demand information maintenance: Add, modify, and delete the supply and demand information of the website;

    10. Talent recruitment maintenance: Add, modify and delete the recruitment information on the website.

    2. Website security maintenance

    1. Database import and export: Export and backup the website SQL/MYSQL database, import and update services;

    2. Database backup: backup the website database and send it to the administrator by email or other means;

    3. Database background maintenance: Maintain the normal operation of the database background so that administrators can browse normally;

    4. Emergency restoration of the website: If there is an unpredictable error on the website, restore the website to the latest backup in time.

    3. Basic network maintenance

    1. Website domain name maintenance: If the website space changes, re-analyze the domain name in time;

    2. Website space maintenance: ensure the normal operation of the website space, master the latest information on the space, such as: existing size, etc.;

    3. Enterprise post office maintenance: assign and delete enterprise post office users, and help enterprise post office Outlook settings;

    4. Website traffic report: statistical reports such as regions, keywords, search engines, etc. can be calculated;

    5. Domain name renewal: Remind customers of the expiration date of the domain name in time to prevent it from being registered by others after it expires.

About B-ide

Let's Work Together!

B-ide Studio is an excellent provider of online business solutions. We will provide you with a complete set of customized solutions from industry station building to network operation and online promotion. Our services include pre-design positioning of the website Analysis and planning, technical architecture, website interface design, creative expression, site architecture construction, follow-up visit monitoring, maintenance, website feedback, suggestions & third-party platform operation and promotion, etc. The service area covers the entire North American market and the Chinese market, mainly includes: Hong Kong, Taiwan, Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Jose, Seattle, New York, Boston, Washington, Chicago, Houston, Dallas, Miami and Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal etc.

Since the establishment of the company it has provided high-quality website building, Website Design, Network Promotion, SEO services for global customers, and B-ide will continue to walk with you.

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